Friendship is underrated.
Improving your relationship with your parents is life transforming - the first step is to seek to understand them, their life stories and where they are coming from.
To truly accept and love myself.
Not to attach my identity to work as much.
Focus on maintaining your basic healthy when you are going through tough times (check out Surviving Tough Times: 5 Essential Strategies)
Everyone feels inferior, just in different areas.
Self-direction is something I value greatly - that is, making sure my decisions are my own.
Embrace the sadness of loss and separation - it enriches the flavors of life.
There would be no happiness without unhappiness, it’s all relative.
I value those who see people for who they are as an individual and not their title or social status. They are precious.
Maybe we should not “skip the small talk”. Small talk can be powerful to build the connection and trust you need to work better with others.
Your mental health is closely related to your physical health.
Change is the norm so learning to embrace it is a life skill.
Most things we worry about won't become reality.
Every individual is unique, what makes you happy is different from what makes another persona happy. Do not assume others are just like you.
You don't know whether what you are going through is good or bad until you look back to this period of your life many years later in the future.
Know your value and make sure others also know your value so they will respect you and treat you fairly.
We tend to underestimate how much others like us.
Always assume positive intent.
Growth comes from being uncomfortable.
Every day is a gift. Treasure it and make the best out of it.
Fully engaging on the current task at hand is a secret to happiness.
Focus on the positive side of everything that happens.
I learnt to think more positively and often tell myself, "What if everything turns out to be just fine?", "What if they like me?"...
Gifting myself gifts as if I was my own friend.
I underestimated how much beautiful things and surroundings makes me happy.
Nature is therapeutic. Colorful leaves, butterflies, sunsets, blue sky and fluffy clouds, stars at night...nature never stops to amaze me!
I learnt to love others more, to understand their different perspectives, embrace and appreciate everyone's uniqueness.
Everything is fleeting - the good, and the bad. It all shall pass.
Being happy is a choice.
I have learnt to become more relaxed and have more fun in life.
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